2024 培訓計畫:心裡急救包(2024 TRAINING PROGRAM: Psychological First Aid) (公開甄選中:2024年8月21日截止)

本計劃招收至多8位參與者,培訓將在線上進行,由綜合藝術心理治療師、合格培訓師、顧問 Carolina Herbert 來授課。
Carolina將分享心理急救的原則和技巧,並透過創意練習和小組討論的方式,帶領參與者互相學習自身的經驗。整個學習過程將是體驗式的,並使用反思性和創造性的工具,包括“創意日記(creative journaling)”,這是一個可以擴展個人和專業發展的強大的、反思性實踐的工具。參與的學員也將在最後一次培訓課程中,分享他們的學習成果。Carolina會在整體的課程中,為所有參與者提供詳細的指導和支援。
如果您對該計劃或申請有任何疑問,可以透過寄信到: jennifer@mekongculturehub.org ,與我們聯絡。
● Open Call (甄選說明文件,截止日:2024年8月21日)
● Program Overview (計畫細節說明)
● Application Form (報名表格)
Carolina 是一位攝影師、音樂家和歌手/詞曲作者,對所有表達、社會行動和變革的藝術有著濃厚的興趣。 她也是一名訓練有素的生命週期主禮人(Life-cycle Celebrant),她能夠與個人、團體和社區一起為任何重大的人生事件,策劃儀式和紀念活動。她的熱情在於讓社區、組織和人們透過參與音樂和治療藝術、文化儀式、儀式和慶祝活動來應對各種的人生中的轉型、危機和緊急情況。
Carolina 在亞洲地區進行了很廣泛的工作,多年來還與 MCH 合作舉辦了多個工作坊或是培訓計畫:與支持藝術和文化從業者在專業和個人方面處理自己的情緒和挑戰相關的主題。2023年,她帶領了「心理急救包」的培訓計畫。
Frequently Asked Questions 請參考常見的提問與回答
Is the Psychological First Aid training for getting psychological support or for giving it to others?
It’s for both. It teaches you how to care for yourself, which is crucial when you are trying to help others. It focuses on skills to enable you to respond to your community, colleagues, friends, and family with compassion and skill, particularly in crisis situations. It’s not about becoming a therapist or counselor but providing first-line support and knowing how to get additional help if needed.
Can people who feel like they need psychological first aid themselves benefit from this course?
The primary purpose of this course is to equip you to respond to others. If you are going through something difficult in your own life, this course can provide some tools and skills, but it is not a substitute for therapy or professional help. When in a trauma or crisis state, it is very difficult for us to learn. So if you are currently in this kind of situation, please consider whether this is the right time for you to apply, or whether it might be better to apply in the future when you are feeling more resourced and able to be in a learning environment.
What kind of skills will be covered in the Psychological First Aid training?
The training covers skills such as: empathy, communication, listening, reassuring, and compassion. It also includes how to stay calm in a crisis, reflective practice, and using creative journaling as a tool. Participants will learn through group discussions, creative responses to topics, and understanding your relationship to the subject using various methods and creative processes.
How will the training help in practical situations?
The skills learned in the training will help you to effectively care for yourself and others, especially in crisis situations. This includes recognizing your limits, knowing when to seek additional support, and developing confidence in your ability to navigate challenging situations.
Is this course related to art therapy?
While the course uses some tools and techniques from art therapy, it is not an art therapy training. It focuses on using creative methods to understand emotions, life experiences, and how to respond to others effectively.
Are there any pre-qualifications applicants need to have? How will you select the participants?
There are no specific qualifications or experiences that applicants need to have. If you check the Program Overview you can find more detail about the eligibility and selection criteria. Overall our main priority in the selection is trying to select the people we believe we can best help through this training at this time. That’s why in the application our questions are to try to understand what has motivated you to apply for the program and what you hope to benefit from it. We will also consider building a group that we believe will work well together. Selection in this case is not at all about good or bad or qualified/ not-qualified, but it’s our way to prioritise how we use the resources we have available.
Can I apply to join as an observer?
The program is based on the group of 8 participants having time and trust to share and exchange experiences and support each other. For this reason, we will not have observers in the training.
Are there any ground rules or things that participants should be aware of to join the workshop?
Creating a safe space and keeping confidentiality among each other is important in this workshop. There are some tips in the application form about how to share experiences while also maintaining confidentiality. A group agreement will be created with the participants at the beginning of the training.
Will my level of English be enough for the training?
The training will be in English as we will have a mixed group of nationalities. The majority of participants will have English as their second, third or fourth language – so there is no expectation you are perfect. You should feel comfortable enough to try to express yourself, and to listen to others. The training will use a lot of creative tools and methods that should be accessible to anyone without needing to rely on language. We don’t expect there to be a lot of technical terms, but if they are introduced, efforts will be made to ensure everyone understands. You can also contact MCH during the application process if you would like to talk to us directly about your own concerns about your comfort with using English and whether it will be enough.
What kind of Creative Techniques will be used?
There will be Creative Journaling sessions where participants can use any creative skill they like such as poetry, writing, making art, photography, video, music or anything they feel enables them to reflect on themselves and to communicate and express.
I am also interested in the Ethical Dilemmas in Art Practice training workshop, can I apply for both?
There is no limitation in applying, but as both the workshops are happening at a similar time and require quite a significant commitment, we would only offer a place on one if you are selected. We recommend you apply for the one which is most relevant or needed for you at this time. But if you do decide to apply for both, please let us know which one is your first preference.
This program is possible thanks to support of organisations and individuals including: