Mekong Cultural Hub

Professional Exchange 2018-2020

Professional Exchange Program launched its fist version in 2018, which is designed to support administrators, managers, producers, technical director of cultural and arts fields to learn from other professionals, then have better input and outcome for their own works/sectors after the exchange. Experienced cultural practitioners from MCH priority countries were able to observe and learn diverse implements from the hosting practitioners/organisations. Main approach of the program was by traveling to another location to have in-person visit, exploration, observation, discussion and participation. The program structured with matching the visiting and hosting practitioners, facilitating the beforehand preparations containing:


Professional Exchange 2022

● knowing each other’s background, strengths, and expectations
● visiting practitioners provided what they want to explore, observe, find out what kind of people or places they would like to know more or visit or get connected
● hosting gave suggestions where and whom to visit and/or connecting the visiting to local networks
● discussing an open event that the visiting could contribute to local peers and extend potential networking
● advice or assist for visiting to prepare the logistics of traveling and staying
● physical visit to a host last from 10 to 14 days with travel costs, time investment the involved practitioners were covered by MCH.

Two pair exchanges taking place in 2018 played a pilot-like/experimental implement for base of modifying the program in 2019 with four pairs exchanges. With the impact of COVID in 2020 there were only two pairs accomplished their preparation stage by exchanging and planning online. The outcomes of the program really was supporting the involved practitioners/organisations to find the most and the best learnings they both could get from the exchange through pre-plan, make the best use of the time of visit and reflection from the experiences. The exchange help participating fellows gained both parties gain mutually deeper developing or collaborating interactions with and understanding of each other during the learning and stay.

