Soy Chanborey (Borey)

Phnom Penh
Lakhaon Khaol Youth of Cambodia, Trillionth I by @tribalcracklingwind, Dam Dos grantees 2021 by Cambodian Living Arts, Performing Program: @silverbellcambodia
Chanborey is a dancer and choreographer at Lakhaon Khaol (Cambodian male mask dance) and coordinator of LaKhaon Khaol Youth of Cambodian (LKYC). Beside of practicing Mask Dance and Contemporary Dance, he is also developing three other projects with different companies: Trillionth - a contemporary dance co-choreographed with Peter Chin, the Artistic director of Tribal Crackling Wind Dance Company in Canada, Calling for Rain - a contemporary visual art project to be present in Singapore, Blood on Water - a contemporary dance on the problem that Cambodia women are facing.
He believes he can make a change and bring his dancer team to the international level and share what they’ve done and what they’re going to do to inspire our next generations.
He is proud to gather a lot of male mask dancers to work together as a big team and create a performing piece with thousands of audiences. He is developing myself as a dancer, a coordinator and also working in marketing. One more special thing that makes him proud is he could help my team have a lot of work, enjoy and smile about what they’re doing now.
Now they are going to prepare for LaKhaon Khaol Night Season 2. Different from the first season which was only performed in Phnompenh, this time we will bring the program to Svay Rieng Province then travel around Cambodia.
He is interested in promoting art, especially the Cambodian Male Mask Dance, and communication with new people. As an MCH REP, he will share about the passion and big commitment from the Cambodian youth with different art skills. On the other hand, his community/network and he can benefit by involving in arts from different cultures.
He believes he can make a change and bring his dancer team to the international level and share what they’ve done and what they’re going to do to inspire our next generations.
He is proud to gather a lot of male mask dancers to work together as a big team and create a performing piece with thousands of audiences. He is developing myself as a dancer, a coordinator and also working in marketing. One more special thing that makes him proud is he could help my team have a lot of work, enjoy and smile about what they’re doing now.
Now they are going to prepare for LaKhaon Khaol Night Season 2. Different from the first season which was only performed in Phnompenh, this time we will bring the program to Svay Rieng Province then travel around Cambodia.
He is interested in promoting art, especially the Cambodian Male Mask Dance, and communication with new people. As an MCH REP, he will share about the passion and big commitment from the Cambodian youth with different art skills. On the other hand, his community/network and he can benefit by involving in arts from different cultures.