Anwar RACHMAN (Jimpe)

Artist (writer/performer/filmmaker/visual artist etc), Arts Manager/ Administrator, Curator, Educator / Facilitator, Policy/ research, Production management
Makassar Biennale / Jakarta Biennale
Anwar ‘Jimpe’ Rachman was curating for Jakarta Biennale (2015), Bom Benang/Yarn Bombing (2012-2017), and director for Makassar Biennale (2017, 2019). He founded Tanahindie (, a Makassar urban studies collective, in 1999. Through this collective and his network, Jimpe and his colleagues studied and tried to revive the yard as space and sphere for arts and research. In 2017, they compiled their work and published Halaman Rumah/Yard (Tanahindie Press). He continues to facilitate a group of youth to write and to do art-studies for their coming book: Kota Diperam dalam Lontang/A City Soaked in Sapping Tube (Tanahindie Press, 2018)—both in collaboration with Stichting Doen-Arts Collaboratory. He also wrote Hidup di Atas Patahan/Living above the Fault (InsistPress, 2012) dan Chambers: Makassar Urban Culture Identity (Chambers Celebes, 2013) and many co-books; essays and poems were published by Kompas, Tempo, Esquire Indonesia, Fajar, Tribun Timur, etc. He just finished a documentary film "Bunyi Kota: 100 Tahun Musik Populer Makassar (Sound of the City: Makassar Popular Music in 100 Years)" [Tanahindie - RIC - Kemdikbud RI, 2019]. He also works as a fulltime archivist in Kampung Buku, a public library in Makassar, Indonesia.