Hieu Nguyen (Hiu)

Vung Tau City & Ho Chi Minh City
Mạng lưới Tròn Lành Việt Nam (Web: https://www.tronlanhvietnam.com/, Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/tronlanhvn) Chung Sống (Web: https://www.chungsong.vn/, Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/chungsongvn) Dances of Universal Peace (Website of DUP Vietnam: https://dup.projectawe.vn/, Fanpage of DUP Vietnam: https://www.facebook.com/dupinvietnam, Website of DUP International: https://dancesofuniversalpeace.org/ ) Art Therapy Courses (Fanpage: Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61564187952125 )
I am a resident of Vung Tau City, Vietnam but now I'm working mostly in Ho Chi Minh City. My current work largely involves building communities of people interested in peaceful co-living, improving awareness and quality of mental health and well-being through the circle way, non-violent communication, dances of universal peace,...What I am currently interested in and want to deepen is the connection and correlation between music, movement and a person's mental health/well-being.